Contracts & Agreements
Park & Ride Agreements
1999-Columbia Station Passenger Rail Platform Interlocal with City of Wenatchee
2008-Big Y Park & Ride Interlocal with WSDOT
2013-Leavenworth Park & Ride Interlocal with City of Leavenworth
2016-Lake Side Park and Ride Interlocal with City of Chelan
2017-Wilkommen P&R Access Road Interlocal with City of Leavenworth
2017-New Park and Ride Access Road Interlocal with City of Leavenworth
2018-Road Dedication & Truck Turn Around at Wilkommen P&R Interlocal with City of Leavenworth
Contracts & Agreements
1998-Wenatchee Police Dept Security Request Agreement-Columbia Station-Ongoing
2001-Mutual Aid Emergency Response Interlocal with WSDOT-Ongoing
2006-Title VI Non-Discrimination Interlocal with WSDOT-Ongoing
2007-Bus Repair & Maintenance Interlocal with Chelan County-Ongoing
2008-Bus Repair & Maintenance with Douglas County-Ongoing
2008-Columbia Station Shelter Use Interlocal with Grant Transit Authority-Ongoing
2009-Oregon State Purchase Agreement-Transit Vehicles-Ongoing
2012-Fire Protect Interlocal with Chelan County District 1-Ongoing
2013-Cooperative Purchasing Agreement Interlocal with DES-Ongoing
2014-2015-New Boundaries Interlocal with WVTC
2014-2015-Supplemental Services Interlocal with Lake Chelan Hospital
2015-MPO Interlocal with CDTC-Ongoing
2016-MPO Interlocal with CDTC and WSDOT
2016-Restroom Use for Drivers Interlocal with Manson Parks-Ongoing
2016-Restroom Use Interlocal with City of Chelan-Ongoing
2019-Confluence Parkway Bypass Interlocal with City of Wenatchee
2020-Confluence Parkway Bypass-Supplemental Interlocal to 2019 ILA with City of Wenatchee
2021-2026 Metropolitan Planning Agreement Amendment 1 with WSDOT & CDTC
2021-Purchase of East Wenatchee Park and Ride Agreement with Douglas County
2021-2022-Goodwin Bridge Road Project Funding Interlocal with Chelan County
2022-Bus Layover Space Use Interlocal with Wenatchee Valley College
2022-N Wenatchee Ave Improvement Planning Interlocal with City of Wenatchee
2022-2023-Easy Street & Highway Round About Interlocal with WSDOT
2023-Use of 3rd & RI Rd P&R During Sidewalk Construction Easement Interlocal with City of East Wenatchee
2023-Cooperative Purchasing Agreement Interlocal with ADOA-Ongoing
2023-Round About Feasibility Study for Highway 2 & Empire Interlocal with WSDOT
2023-Safe Routes to School Improvement North Kentucky & 5th Street Funding Interlocal with City of East Wenatchee
2023-3rd & RI Rd Park& Ride Ground Construction Interlocal with City of East Wenatchee
2023-Sidewalk Construction Bid & Funding Amount Change-Interlocal Amendment to 2021 ILA with Chelan County
2023-2024-Highway 2 & Icicle Road Roundabout Watermain Addition to Link Scope Interlocal with City of Leavenworth
2024-Service Connection & Bus Stop Use Interlocal with OCTA-AutoRenew/Ongiong
2024-Highline Dr. Stop Relocation Interlocal with City of East Wenatchee
2024-19th & 5th Shelter & Pedestrian Improvement Funding Interlocal with City of East Wenatchee
2024-Park & Ride Funding Interlocal with City of Entiat
2024-Include bid amount in watermain agreement-Supplemental Interlocal with City of Leavenworth
2024-Glacier Restroom Construction and Use for Drivers Interlocal with City of Leavenworth
2024-Columbia Station Coordinated Entry Program Interlocal with Chelan County and Catholic Charities-Ongoing
2024-Regional Pathways Planning Project Funding Interlocal with CDTS
2024-2049-Property Lease for Driver Training Interlocal with Washington State Patrol