25 Wenatchee to Waterville



Select the nearest timepoint prior to your stop:

Expand the accordion to see all bus arrival times for the timepoint.


Select the nearest timepoint prior to your stop:

Expand the accordion to see all bus arrival times for the timepoint.


Select the nearest timepoint prior to your stop:

Expand the accordion to see all bus arrival times for the timepoint.


Select the nearest timepoint prior to your stop:

Expand the accordion to see all bus arrival times for the timepoint.


Select the nearest timepoint prior to your stop:

Expand the accordion to see all bus arrival times for the timepoint.


Service to and from Douglas County Fairgrounds is “on-call”. To get picked up at the fairgrounds, you will need to call for a pick-up by the time the bus is at Timepoint 3 (Orondo Store). If you need to get dropped off at the fairgrounds, tell the driver as you board the bus and again as you get nearer your destination.

You may call up to 60 minutes in advance. If you do not call for a pickup, the bus will not stop at Douglas County Fairgrounds.

Funded by Washingtons Climate Commitment Act


Route 25 service is supported with funding from Washington’s Climate Commitment Act. The CCA supports Washington’s climate action efforts by putting cap-and-invest dollars to work reducing climate pollution, creating jobs, and improving public health. Information about the CCA is available at www.climate.wa.gov.