Guest Comment Procedures

As an organization dedicated to quality service, Guest Comments, both positive and negative, are an intricate part of the process by which Link Transit can evaluate its service and the performance of its employees. It is the goal of Link Transit to maintain a process, which addresses the needs and concerns of the public, our employees, and the overall mission of the organization.
Comments are received most often by a telephone call, a Comment Card, or personal letter, and at times, by email or in person. While Guest Services is normally the first to receive these comments, there are times when a Guest will call or write directly to a specific department. While any department can receive Guest Comments, it is essential we all follow a common procedure to ensure effective handling and recording of the information.
Comments Received by the Guest Services Department:
A. Comments Received by Phone or In Person
1. In the Guest Comments database, open a new Guest Comment Report (GCR).
2. Make every effort to resolve the issue at that time. If further research is necessary, inform the Guest that we will investigate the comment and contact them as soon as possible.
3. If a caller insists upon talking with a supervisor instead of allowing the Guest Services Representative (GSR) to record the information, the following process should be observed:
a. Transfer to a Supervisor or the Manager of the department affected by the comment. Brief the Supervisor or Manager on the nature and details of the call before transferring.
b. If a Supervisor or Manager is not available, the GSR will again offer to take a written comment. If the caller is unwilling to do so, the GSR will offer to take a name and telephone number and ask the Supervisor or Manager to call the Guest later. This information should be recorded in the GCR and a notification sent to the Supervisor or Manager for follow-up.
B. Comments Received by Mail, Email, Fax
1. In the Guest Comments database, open a new Guest Comment Report (GCR).
2. In the Comment Section, indicate “See Attachment”.
3. Scan and attach the Letter, Email or Fax.
4. Send notification to the assigned Supervisor or Manager for follow-up.
Comments Received by Departments other than Guest Services.
(If possible, callers should be referred to Guest Services to record the details of the incident)
C. Comments Received by Phone or In Person
1. In an email, document the conversation, recording as much detailed information as possible including the person’s contact information; name, address, email address, and telephone number.
2. Make every effort to resolve the issue at that time. If further research is necessary, inform the Guest that we will investigate the comment and contact them as soon as possible.
3. If a caller insists upon talking with a Supervisor instead of employee receiving the call, the following process should be observed:
a. Transfer to a Supervisor or the Manager of the department affected by the comment. Brief the Supervisor or Manager on the nature and details of the call before transferring.
b. If a Supervisor or Manager is not available, the GSR will again offer to take a written comment. If the caller is unwilling to do so, the GSR will offer to take a name and telephone number and ask the Supervisor or Manager to call the Guest later.
4. This email should be sent to the Guest Services department ( which is responsible for processing as described in Section I-B.
D. Comments Received by Mail, Email, Fax
1. If possible, make every effort to resolve the issue.
2. Forward a copy of the original email and any follow-up to Guest Services.
3. Scan and forward any Letters or Faxes and any follow-up to Guest Services.
4. Send notification to the assigned Supervisor or Manager for follow-up.
5. Guest Services department ( is responsible for processing as described in Section I-B.
In order to ensure clarity and objectivity, the following guidelines should be used when recording a Guest Comment Report (GCR).
1. Record the details just as the Guest relates them. Include all the information the Guest gives about the incident. While some of the information may not seem important, it may prove helpful to the investigation. There are times when an employee taking the comment can, and sometimes should, express sympathy and understanding of the caller’s problem, BUT IN NO CASE SHOULD POSSIBLE GUILT OR LIABILITY ON THE PART OF LINK BE INSINUATED. Remember that the caller is relating only one side of the story. Employees must refrain from adding their own comments or feelings to the GCR.
2. Obtain as much information as possible regarding the route or bus number, location, direction, date and incident time of incident and name or description of driver. This may require careful questioning of the caller. If guest is reluctant or cannot recall details, it should be noted on the GCR.
3. Should a guest report an incident that requires immediate attention, the GCR should be filled out in the normal manner. However, the department to which the comment pertains will be contacted immediately, by phone or in person, to begin investigation. Examples of these situations include:
a. Any unsafe situation involving Link service, equipment or property.
b. Any employee not in control of their behavior, due to possible intoxication, use of drugs or illness.
c. Any accusation of an act of violence or imprudent behavior.
4. Each GCR should have the person reporting the comments’ name mailing or email address, and telephone number. Reassure the caller that this information is confidential and is only used for the purpose of validating the report.
5. If they refuse or cannot give this information, it should be noted in the space provided. NOTE: If there is a Caller ID number, this should be recorded in the record.
6. If a comment is made by a third party (someone who was not involved in or witness to the incident), the employee should try to obtain the name, address or telephone of the person to whom the caller is referring. If this information cannot be obtained, the comment will be considered FYI.
All Comments received by other departments need to be processed through Guest Services to be assigned an ID number for investigation and statistical purposes.
The Guest Comment database auto-creates an ID Number. Every effort will be made to deliver the Comment to the appropriate department no later than the beginning of the next business day.
If the Comment is about a specific Operator, an initial determination of which Operator is involved (based on the information given) will be made by researching the Bus Locator Sheet and/or Bus Assignment Sheet. The Operators immediate Supervisor should also be noted. The GCR will then be emailed to that Supervisor and Department Manager.
Investigations and/or follow-ups must be completed and returned to Guest Services within 7 business days from the original date of receipt of the Comment.
In accordance with Sections I-C and D, all Comments should be forwarded to the Guest Services Department ( Once received, they are entered into the Guest Comment database and an ID number is auto-created and processed according to Section I-B.
The General Manager or Department Manager, at their discretion, may choose to investigate* a Comment prior to it being entered into the Guest Comment database. When this occurs, all documentation should be forwarded to Guest Services to be entered into the Guest Comment database.
*Investigations and/or follow-ups must be completed and returned to Guest Services within 7 business days from the original date of receipt of the Comment.
The initial comment, regardless of its source, is thoroughly documented in the Guest Comment database for tracking and appropriate routing for investigation or follow-up action.
Comments resolved to the satisfaction of the caller at the time of the call will be documented for statistical record-keeping purposes.
In order to maintain accurate files, it is best to respond by letter, to the extent possible. A written response to the Guest will be mailed within 7 working days from the original date of receipt of the Comment. Guest Services can prepare a response letter based on the information you provide or you may prepare your own. A copy of your response must be sent to Guest Services to be added to the Guest Comment database.
If a verbal response is provided, you must provide a written declaration of the conversation and send it to Guest Services to be added to the Guest Comment database.
The Guest Services Supervisor will determine the SUMMARY TYPE of the Comment.
STANDARD: Comments or Complaints related to the daily operations of Public Transit.
ADA REPORTABLE: Reasonable Modification requests or Comments that can be specifically related to possible violation of ADA regulations.
Once the Investigation is completed, based on the information, an Action Code will be assigned:
No Violation
Employee followed guidelines and best judgment
There is not enough collaborating information or history pattern to believe it to be accurate
There is enough collaborating information or history pattern to believe it to be accurate